1. Develop my relationship with God
This is the highest priority for each of our lives. God wants us to grow in our knowledge of him, and to walk more and more closely with him. A vital part of this process is spending regular time reading the Bible and praying. As a church, we encourage members to set aside regular times for these two activities.
2. Befriend unchurched people
Both history and statistics have shown that the best way to introduce people to Jesus Christ is to form genuine relationships with them. Each of us need to grow relationships with those who do not know Jesus – possibly our neighbours, work mates or sporting team members.
3. Share a verbal witness
Share what God has done for us with those who do not have a personal relationship with God and his Son, Jesus. This may be in the form of a personal conversation, a Bible study, a structured evangelistic course run by the church, or another method that is appropriate at the time.
4. Encourage my friends to come to church
Our church family is one of our most valuable assets and when functioning as God intends is a dynamically powerful demonstration of God’s love. Our friends would be exposed to a wider group of friends and see the love of God at work amongst us. Here they would be introduced to Jesus Christ. This implies that we have a responsibility to be welcoming and friendly to those who come to our church.
5. Attend communion and community services
Our Communion Service is an opportunity for members to collectively obey Jesus’ command to remember him. It also allows time for public prayer, praise and worship. The Communion Service provides encouragement to us in our Christian lives.
The Community Service is primarily a time of teaching and building-up. The goal of this service is to provide instruction as to how to live lives that are pleasing to God. Planned outreach services are also held periodically, and church members are encouraged to invite those who do not have a personal relationship with God.
Both the Communion and Community Services play an important role in our growth and outreach as a local church.
6. Participate in a small group
Small Group activities are divided into two types. These are Prayer Groups and Growth Groups. Prayer groups involve a group of friends meeting together to pray for each other, the church and their friends. We expect this to be a deep sharing experience where those who meet together keep each other accountable in their Christian walk. This can be arranged at an appropriate time for those involved. Growth Groups concentrate on building caring relationships, Bible study and group prayer. This is a time of growing through building relationships and studying the word of God.
7. Serve God by being the person he made us to be
God has designed each of us so we are unique. We can serve him in the church using our spiritual gifts, heart (passion), abilities, personality and experiences and as we do, we experience fulfilment and other church members are blessed. As a church we offer a program that helps members to understand what kind of ministry they would be best suited for in the church.
8. Use my resources for the good of the church
God has requested our whole life. He wants to use our time, finances and possessions for his purposes.